Another Trip to Costco...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My kids are leaving for camp so I thought that the  trek to Costco that my husband and I made today would be light. Unfortunately, when I go with him, we can never get out of there for under $300. No matter what.   Good thing I talked him out of the exercise mat, area rug, dining room table and oh, yeah, the fancy coffee maker that we don't need or it would have been much worse.

I know that I have written about his before but I love people watching at Costco. All of those jumbo shopping carts without bags or tissue to hide everyone's purchases. It is truly amazing.

Today I witnesses one lady with one $3.99 watermelon in her cart in the mile long check-out line. Yes, it was a bargain but how much more would it have been at Publix, $5.99? That is a lot of work for one watermelon.

In other exciting news, I mailed two letters each to camp over the past two days. Yes, they don't get there until Tuesday but one of my crazy camp rituals is to make sure that I write every day and that letters are waiting there when they get there. They told me that I don't need to do this anymore, but I must. I write and mail a letter, package, post card or email to them every day until there are five days left of camp.  They can't call, email or text and they write back much less often but it just one of my things.

Would you have dealt with Costco and stood in a mile long line to save $2.00 on a watermelon? What crazy mom things do you do (or did) when your kids were at camp or otherwise not under your roof? I'm dying to know....


NanaDiana said...

LOL- No- Not hour long lane for me to buy a watermelon. Some things are just NOT worth it! I used to get in the car and spend all day just DRIVING and enjoying the peace and quiet when our kids went to camp! xoDiana ps- You are a good Mom!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, that watermelon is something else, Japolina. LOVE IT!!


angryparsnip said...

No Costco lines for me. When you factor in the coat of my time plus the gas it is so not worth it.
When daughter was at camp we could send a daily fax. The Scotties sent a daily comic (drawn by me) of what they were doing that day. There was a story line about how they were searching for daughter. It was fun for her and me.

Love the watermelon !

cheers, parsnip

Susie said...

Japolina, That sharkamelon is adorable.LOL. Did you get one of those big jars of pickled veggie this time? :):) Did you think I could forget that? Ha. The lady must not have had anything fun to do that day...grrr., no big old line for one purchase. My girls were never all gone at once, to camp. I think I just missed them.:):) Now I wish they have senior citizen's camp.... lots of card games and ice cream LOL. xoxo,Susie

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh yes, camp! when the duck went i sent him with letters BACK to me already addressed and stamped. they had check off boxes like i'm having: fun: a miserable time: gas: whatever, the weather is: cold: hot: just right, I: swam: fell down: got poison ivy: farted....

smiles, bee

Brandi said...

I think that's a really sweet thing you do for your children. As they become adults they will look back on it and really appreciate their mother.

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